That does mean that some of the combat may not be as ‘free’ as veteran players would like, but there’s still loads of cool moments in there that will take their breath away - not least the feeling of standing in front of an angry, charging Thunderjaw! And that’s in a good way, not a sicky way, because Call of the Mountain has also been designed specifically to ease newcomers into the virtual world. Not only is Horizon a cracking showcase for all this new tech, but it’s a gorgeous looking game to boot and its visuals will make any original PSVR players go weak at the knees. Every single aspect of Call of the Mountain has been designed with the PSVR 2 in mind and that means all that lovely technical stuff that I mentioned in the Firewall Ultra section like foveated rendering and headset haptics has been utilised to perfection here.
Horizon Call of the Mountain was the first game that I played on the PSVR 2 and while I wasn’t told specifically that this VR exclusive spin-off of the Horizon series would be a PSVR2 launch title, I will be shocked if it isn’t.

If that works in real life as well as it does in the teaser, that functionality is going to be a game changer for so many VR games. One of the most exciting features for Ultra though was teased in Sony’s recent PSVR2 trailer - in a quick snippet of gameplay that I highlight in this week's VR Corner episode, you can see the headset’s built-in eye tracking technology being used as a super quick way to select a weapon from your weapon wheel. Which means you’re actually going to feel it the next time you get shot in the head by the opposition! Not only are we bound to see much better visuals this time around, thanks to the PSVR2’s 4K HDR but (according to a splash screen at the end of the Firewall Ultra reveal trailer) the game will also take advantage of all the PSVR2’s new hardware features such as finger touch detection, foveated rendering, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback.

The sneak peeks of gampelay we’ve been shown in recent trailers have sent my anticipation levels into overdrive though. However, the original was one of my all-time favourite PSVR titles and this tactical shooter delivered some superb Rainbow Six Siege style gameplay that just felt phenomenal to experience in VR. So far details are light on what Firewall Ultra, the PSVR 2 exclusive follow up to Firewall Zero Hour has to offer in terms of new gameplay.